Amanda Rauh, Malta Dual Degree Student
Amanda Rauh, Malta Dual Degree Student
Amanda Rauh who is currently pursuing a dual degree program in Malta, moved to the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area from Oklahoma City to prepare for her first course at S-CAR, in spring 2015.
Amanda, who had been admitted to S-CAR starting in the summer, felt that she had to get ahead of her studies by moving to the vicinity of the program. She hit the ground running by networking and exploring the vast opportunities that S-CAR and Washington, D.C. had to offer.
Amanda immediately became a member of Alliance for Peacebuilding, an organization that operates worldwide to catalyze lasting, constructive, and peaceful change in fragile and chaotic settings around the world. “I got to attend the first day of the 2015 Annual Alliance for Peacebuilding Conference, which was a great experience! There, I met many peace-building practitioners and did a ton of professional networking. ” Amanda found out about this organization through the S-CAR Community Network and Forum, which serves as a platform for current, past, and potential students to connect with organizations that work in similar fields that they are interested in. By joining a professional organization, we demonstrate our commitment to the field and our development. We can meet key people in the field and keep up with current trends and develop our areas of expertise.
Amanda also attended many of the events at S-CAR and she credits the interactions she had with students and staff for her decision to enroll in the dual Masters degree in Conflict Resolution and Mediterranean Security. The 13-month dual degree program combines the faculties of George Mason University and the University of Malta’s Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, with students primarily taking classes at the 400-year old University of Malta's, Valletta campus. “I am excited to live abroad and to complete two degrees!” Building on our skills is a life- long process and there are experiences to be had. The bottom line is that employers want people who have experience and skills. It is up to us to make it happen. Amanda is a good example of that for us. Good luck in Malta, Amanda!