Effective local action: from early warning to peacebuilding
Ph.D., Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
M.S., Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
March 10, 2016 10:00am through 12:00pm
Effective local action:
from early warning to peacebuilding
Thursday March 10, 2016,
10am to 12 noon
At Saferworld's Washington DC office,
within the Henry L. Stimson Center,
1211 Connecticut Ave. NW, 8th Floor
People living in contexts affected by instability are the first to detect and respond to violence. Peacebuilding efforts start and end with them. Yet while they have agency, local actors can lack opportunities to collectively analyze and strategize, or lack key relationships and access to power, and sometimes key skills and knowledge to fill their conflict prevention and peacebuilding roles to the fullest.
The Capacities for Peace project, supported by the European Union and carried out by Saferworld, Conciliation Resources and local partner organizations, focused on addressing this deficit across 32 contexts over 3 years. In Central African Republic, Nigeria, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan and Nepal, and elsewhere, targeted and needs-based activities were often catalytic in helping local civil society and community-based actors to develop a shared understanding of and responses to conflict, and to better connect to national or international early warning and peacebuilding processes.
Support from Humanity United has enabled Conciliation Resources and Saferworld and their partners to draw and document lessons from the initiative and share these with key policymaker and practitioner audiences. This event will bring together Saferworld and Conciliation Resources staff working in/on Central, West and Horn of Africa/Kenya and Kyrgyzstan to discuss how we can collectively overcome some of the challenges relating to early warning and peacebuilding and explore further what constitutes effective 'capacity building'.
Detailed agenda to follow.
Please RSVP to David Alpher: [email protected]
This event is organized with the support of Humanity United
- Building Sustainable Peace and Security—the Lessons of Northern Ireland, Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands - (David Alpher)
- Supporting Transitions Towards Sustainable Peace and Security Through Community Policing - (David Alpher)