S-CAR Topics
Conflict Mainstreaming
Brief Description: Conflict Mainstreaming refers to the process of getting conflict resolution ideas and practices out into the main currents of society. The goals are to make conflict resolution something that is avail...
Academic Publications
Published Date: November 2016 
Type: Journal Article
Abstract: In this article, we address protracted, often recurring violent conflict, arguing that the failure to solve entrenched conflicts and build sustainable peace is due in part to the absenc...
Author: Marc Gopin
Published Date: September 2016 
Type: Book
Abstract: Conflict can be a difficult concept to understand. You cannot just consider the logical reasons behind the confrontation. You must also understand the feelings and identity issues of th...
Published Date: February 2017
Type: Newspaper Article
Abstract: The idea of this is to guide and provide an analysis of the impact of female activism on peace building efforts and it will discuss the effects of such activism on the ability to establ...
Published Date: January 2017
Type: Newspaper Article
Abstract: On a summer Sunday in 2007, Sarah Federman, PhD Conflict Analysis and Resolution ’16, visited the Mémorial de la Shoah, the Holocaust museum and memorial in Paris. As she passed t...
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