The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
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Academic Publications - Justice
Ministry, Mayhem, and Magic: Called to Conflict Resolution and Conciliation
Do Reparations Repair Relationships? Setting the Stage for Reconciliation in Colombia
For the Sake of Peace or Justice? Truth, Accountability, and Amnesty in the Middle East
The True Colors of Social Justice Struggles in Israel
Genocide Studies and Corporate Actors: The French National Railways (SNCF) Conflict
Denied Victimhood and Contested Narratives: The Case of Hutu Diaspora
Book Review: Mountaintop mining in Appalachia: Understanding stakeholders and change in environmental conflict
Overview and Introduction
Deconstructing Women, Peace and Security
The Language of Transitional Justice
Establishing Rape as a Crime against Humanity: Innovations and Reactions from African Nations
Power and Resistance in the Shaping of Argentine Domestic Policy
Mountaintop Mining in Appalachia: Understanding Stakeholders and Change in Environmental Conflict
Introduction: Wound and Witness: Writing in the Aftermath of Violence.
Restorative Justice as Reflective Practice and Applied Pedagogy on College Campuses
Must Our Communities Bleed to Receive Social Services? Development projects and collective reparations schemes in colombia
Can You See Me Now? Poems, Prayers for Trayvon Benjamin Martin
Kenya's Neglected IDP's Internal Displacement and Vulnerability of Pastoralist Communities in Northern Kenya
Conflict Resolution and the Scholarship of Engagement
Examining the Perceptions of Zimbabwean Women about the Domestic Violence Act
Costa Rica: A Peaceful Nation in a Region in need of Peaceful Solutions: A response to the Council on Hemispheric Affairs
Integrating Principles and Practices of Customary Law, Conflict Transformation and Restorative Justice in Somaliland
The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace
OSCE Yearbook 2009, Yearbook on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Muslim Family Law in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa
Peace, Justice, and Security Studies: A Curriculum Guide
The role of tradional leaders in fostering democracy, justice human rights in Zimbabwe
To Make the Earth Whole
Gacaca Courts in Rwanda: An Endogenous Approach to Post-conflict Justice and Reconciliation
Surrendering to Utopia: An Anthropology of Human Rights (Stanford Studies in Human Rights)
Assessing the Impact of Transitional Justice: Challenges for Empirical Research
Putting Hate Speech in Context: Observations on Speech, Power, and Violence in Kenya
Transitional Justice Will Have to Wait
Sitting on Powder Kegs: Socioeconomic Rights in Transitional Societies
Mirrors of Justice: Law, Culture, and the Making of History
The Insecure American
In the Moment of Greatest Calamity: Terrorism, Grief, and a Victim's Quest for Justice
Cutting or Tightening the Gordian Knot? The Future of Kosovo and the Peace Process in the Western Balkans after the Decision on Independence.
Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution
Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa: Did the TRC Deliver?
Understanding Conflict and Conflict Analysis
'Hawks and Doves' The Impact of Operation Murambatsvina on Johane marange Apostolic Church, Zimbabwe
Peacebuilding in Traumatized Societies
Framing the Dialogue: Social Justice and Conflict Intervention
The Practice of Human Rights: Tracking Law Between the Global and the Local
Blurring the Lines of Security and Economic Development
Avoiding Conflict in the Horn of Africa: U.S. Policy Toward Ethiopia and Eritrea (Council Special Report)
Zones of Peace
Writing Ethnography after Tragedy: Toward Therapeutic Transformations. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 30.1, 2007.
Toward a Critical Anthropology of Human Rights
Corruption and conflict in the South Caucasus
Islamic Law and Society Post-911
Peace versus Justice: Negotiating Forward- and Backward-Looking Outcomes
Partnerships for Sustainable Development and Human Rights: A Plea for Research
Healing the Heart of Conflict: 8 Crucial Steps to Making Peace with Yourself and Others
From Peace Making to Self Sustaining Peace -- International Presence in South East Europe
Crushing Crime in South East Europe: A Struggle of Domestic, Regional, and European Dimensions
Crushing Crime in South East Europe: A Struggle of Domestic, Regional, and European Dimensions
Problems of Cross-Cultural Comparison
Book Review: Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East
Jefferson's Pillow: The Founding Fathers and the DIlemma of Black Patriotism
The Power of Participation: Language and Gender in Tanzanian Law Reform Campaigns
Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East
Practicing Ethnography in Law: New Dialogues, Enduring Methods
Truth and Reconciliation Commissions: A Review Essay and Annotated Bibliography
Reconciliation, Justice, and Coexistence: Theory and Practice
Reconnecting Systems Maintenance with Social Justice: A Critical Role for Conflict Resolution
Between Eden and Armageddon: The Future of World Religions, Violence, and Peacemaking
Just Words: Law, Language, and Power
Conflict Resolution: Dynamics, Process and Structure
The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities: A Guide for Non-Governmental Organizations
Pronouncing & Persevering: Gender and the Discourses of Disputing in an African Islamic Court
Naming Resistance: Ethnographers, Dissidents, and States
Contested States: Law, Hegemony and Resistance
The Reawakening of Sacred Justice
Practice and Paradox: Deconstructing Neutrality in Mediation
Quiet Riots: Race and Poverty in the United States. The Kerner Report Twenty Years Later.
Alchemists of Revolution: Terrorism in the Modern World
Courts, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Conflict Resolution
The Ethics of Intervention in Community Disputes
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Center for Peacemaking Practice
Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict
Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
Indonesia - U.S. Youth Leadership Program
Dialogue and Difference
Insight Conflict Resolution Program
Parents of the Field Project
Program on History, Memory, and Conflict
Project on Contentious Politics
Sudan Task Group
Undergraduate Experiential Learning Project
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