Gacaca Courts in Rwanda: An Endogenous Approach to Post-conflict Justice and Reconciliation

S-CAR Journal Article
Martha Mutisi
Martha Mutisi
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Gacaca Courts in Rwanda: An Endogenous Approach to Post-conflict Justice and Reconciliation
Authors: Mutisi, Martha
Published Date: June 01, 2009
Volume: 2
Issue: 1

The relevance of endogenous approaches to postconflict reconciliation is now widely recognised. The inadequacy of eurocentric and other western models to effectively address healing requirements within societies in Africa is increasingly evident. Endogenous gacaca courts were revived in post-genocide Rwanda to promote peace, justice, and reconciliation as well as to end a culture of impunity while promoting accountability. Critics of endogenous approaches assert that these methods are neither completely adequate nor practicable in advancing healing and postconflict reconstruction, while proponents argue that such endogenous methods as gacaca courts represent a model of alternative or restorative justice that fosters healing and reconciliation. 

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