This region covers the whole of the south west of Colombia and includes the departamentos of Putumayo, Narino, Cauca and Valle de Cauca. Politically it borders on Ecuador to the south and contains the source of the Rio Atrato that flow northwards to the Gulf of Uraba and provides the main north-south access route throughout this and linked regions to the north. The area is bounded on the west by the Pacific Ocean to the east by the westernmost of three Andean cordilleras which divide the country and historically have made east-west communication extremely difficult.
Local Peace-building Working Group
Dr. Christopher Mitchell has reconstituted the Zones of Peace Working Group under under a new title and with a broader focus. For more information, read the letter from Dr. Mitchell and check out the links below.
Newsletter Article: Analyzing Civil War and Local Peacebuilding at S-CAR
Students may request to join the group on the S-CAR Network