A Checklist for Thesis and Dissertation Submission

A Checklist for Thesis and Dissertation Submission

For All Theses and Dissertations:

Before the Dissertation or Thesis Defense:

1) Download the forms from University Dissertation and Theses Services (UDTS- thesis.gmu.edu )

2) Format your thesis or dissertation according to UDTS Guidelines. 

3) Set up a format review with Ms. Sally Evans at UDTS [email protected] within 6 months of your ideal graduation date.



      UDTS assists with formating and tables and images in your document and are considered a "fourth Committe member".  Your document does not need to be finished but should be reviewed  by UDTS before your final version is submitted to your Committee. The file should be emailed (no hard copies), and you do not have to be present for the review process.   We strongly advise you to turn in a copy for review well before the end of the semester deadlines as UDTS reviews all GMU papers. (See UDTS main page for deadlines). 

 4) Attend a UDTS workshop (highly recommended). They are held every semester at S-CAR through the John Burton Library and Resource Center or on campus.


If you are Defending your Work:

Three- four weeks before your expected defense date:

1) For S-CAR:  Leave an unbounded UDTS approved review draft of the dissertation in the John Burton Library and Resource Center.  (This is optional for Masters's Theses)

2) Send the following information  (name, dissertation/thesis defense date, previous degrees, committee members, and an abstract) for the public announcement to [email protected]

3) Reserve video equipment for filiming of your defense through the John Burton Library and Resource Center. (Note-Videotaping is an option only if you agree to edit your own film footage. The John Burton Library resources and its staff will be available to assist you with this process).

4) Invite your friends, colleagues and family to the defense.


After the Submission of Work or Defense:

 1) Have the Committee members provide signatures for the cover pages. (Hint- bring the required number of copies of the form pages (usually 3-5 copies)  and black pens to the defense or Final Committee review). 

 2) Update your profile on the S-CAR website.

Please provide the following:

1) Follow UDTS submission requirements. They will advise you about secondary submissions to MARS/ETD and to UMI-Proquest online databases.

2)  Provide one (1) unbound copy to the John Burton Library and Resource Center or an unbounded final copy of the Masters' thesis with a signed signatures page in the front. We welcome published bound copies of the dissertation (preferably in S-CAR blue).

3) Send an e-copy of your paper proposal  and one copy of your Thesis or Dissertation to the John Burton Library ([email protected]).   Please sign a permission forms for posting your work on the S-CAR’s website. (Forms available from the Burton Knowledge Management staff).

 4) Send an e-copy of the defense presentation to the John Burton Resource Center for the Student Achievement Night (and for inserting into your film footage if you are videotaping your presentation). We welcome copies of the proposals and powerpoint presentations as references for other students to use.

 5) Edit your video of your defense (in the John Burton Library and Resource Center, if you have requested filming services). Copies can be made if you bring extra DVDs. The editing process takes about 1- 2 hours to complete.

A Final Review of Requirements for Graduation

A Checklist:

1) Confirm using the PatriotWeb Degree Evaluation that all of your requirements are now met.  Please leave post-graduation contact information with S-CAR student services staff. 

2) Confirm that all of your paperwork has appropriate signatures.

3) Make sure all Four or Five copies are provided to their appropriate places:

    *  S-CAR Thesis

  • John Burton Library - 2-3 copies (Required- 1 pdf e-copy,  1 final unbounded copy). A copy of your orignial proposal would also be welcomed.
  • GMU Libraries/ UDTS- 1 CD with a PDF copy of your final thesis and the following competed forms found here.

     * S-CAR Dissertation

  • John Burton Library - 2- 5 copies:
    - Required- (1) One paper copy of the draft or final dissertation printed double-sided and (1) one pdf. e-copy.
    - Requested-  optional final bound copy in S-CAR blue, an e-copy of defense presentation,  a copy of your original proposal

  • GMU Libraries/ UDTS- 1 CD with a PDF copy of your final thesis and the following competed forms found here

4) Provide all permission forms for posting of electronic copies for S-CAR, and MARS/ETD.

5) Celebrate!

Helpful Contact Information


 University Thesis and Dissertation Services (UTDS):   http:\\thesis.gmu.edu


  *Main office: [email protected] , (703) 993-1300
  *The John Burton Library:
[email protected] , (703) 993-1301

MI/Proquest:   http://www.proquest.com/en-US/products/dissertations/ 

Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD):     http://thesis.gmu.edu/etd.htm

Mason Archival Repository Service (MARS):  http://digilib.gmu.edu:8080/dspace/about/

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