In a recent telephone interview with Yves-Renee Jennings, Beatrice Murial, a BBC-UK News Reporter asked Yves-Renee for her reaction on the report, "Global Pattern Formation and Ethnic/Cultural Violence", published in the September 14, 2007 Science Magazine edition. According to Ms. Murial's interpretation of the report, it seems to recommend to governments to keep ethnic groups segregated in order to prevent ethnic violence. In essence, Yves-Renee commented that in case of violence between ethnic groups, it would be recommended to separate them in the short term to prevent bloodshed or other atrocities. However, in the long run, every effort should be made to give these groups opportunities to enter into dialogue/s so they can share their history about the conflict, their perceptions, issues and traumatic experience. Yves-Renee's comments, which are captured in French, can be heard here: