Gretchen Reynolds, ICAR Liason Librarian
Gretchen Reynolds, ICAR Liason Librarian
As ICAR's Liaison Librarian from the Arlington Campus Library, Gretchen Reynolds contributes not only to our own work but also to the growth of the conflict analysis and resolution field. Welcoming and proficient, Gretchen is active in supporting and promoting student and faculty research at both the individual and group levels.
With a Master of Science of Information from the University of Michigan, Gretchen is a subject specialist, navigating information and library systems to locate the various, and often remote, data ICAR scholars are continuously in search of. Research questions in hand, students and faculty are now noting and appreciating the benefits of Gretchen's skills.
Joining the University two years ago, Gretchen promptly partnered with the John Burton Library and Resource Center to offer workshops and individualized research strategies. She now runs multiple workshops throughout the year on research methods for conflict studies, for both general audiences and specific in-class presentations tailored to Faculty requests. Several Zotero (a free bibliographic software package) trainings were also held at ICAR this year, co-facilitated by Gretchen's colleagues, April Kelley and Michael English, an ICAR PhD student working at the Arlington Campus Library.
In addition to being an invaluable resource for ICAR scholars, Gretchen works on developing resources for the CAR field by adding to the GMU Library collection and by developing the new Conflict Resolution Research Portal (, a collection of digital resources and forums to support an online community of research. She also furthers the work of the ICAR community and University Libraries by attending external conferences within both fields.
In her role as a liaison librarian and a member of the University Libraries Scholarly Communication Team, Gretchen has linked ICAR with other GMU resources, including University Dissertation and Thesis Services, Mason Archival Repository Service, and Open Access initiatives.
ICAR is fortunate to have Gretchen Reynolds as a member of our community. Her ability to advance CAR research strengthens us all. Gretchen can be reached during office hours (Mondays 3:30-4:30 pm; John Burton Library 6th Fl Truland, Wednesday 3:30-4:30 pm; Lobby 2nd Fl Original Bldg) and by appointment in her office at the Arlington Campus Library. Email: [email protected], Phone: 703-993-8267.