Events by these Researchers
Symposium on the State of Graduate Education in Peace and Conflict Resolution - (kavruch)
The 2014 Symposium on the State ofGraduate Education in Peace and Conflict Resolution:School of Conflict Analysis and ResolutionGeorge Mason
S-CAR Convocation Graduation Ceremony- May 15th - (kavruch)
School for Conflict Analysis and ResolutionConvocation Ceremony THURSDAY, MAY 156:30pmThe Center for the Arts(on the Fairfax campus)
Dissertation Defense - Adriana Salcedo: Transnational Displacement, Clandestinity And Conflict In The Ecuadorian-Colombian Bordelands - (rsalcedo)
Frontiers Of Identity: Transnational Displacement, Clandestinity And Conflict In The Ecuadorian-Colombian Bordelands And Inner Cities In
Rethinking the Pedagogy of Ethics in Peace & Conflict - (scheldel)
Sandra Cheldelin participated in the International Studies Association Conference in Toronto, where she presented the paper, “Rethinking the
Raising the Bar: Ethics in Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution - (scheldel)
Sandra Cheldelin and Maneshka Eliatamby participated in the International Studies Association Conference in Toronto, where they were a discussant and
The Researched and The Researcher: "Ethics" the Invisible and Universal Thread that Binds Us? - (deliatam)
Maneshka Eliatambyparticipated in the International Studies Association Conference in Toronto, where she presented the paper,"The Researched and
Women, Activism, and Peace - (deliatam)
Maneshka Eliatambyparticipated in the International Studies Association Conference in Toronto, where she chaired the panel, “Women,
CGC Conference: Leveraging Passion in Gender Research, Theory and Practice - (ldwyer2)
Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict Resolution's Annual Conference “OUTRAGE/ACTION: Leveraging Commitment in Gender Research,
Political instability in Nigeria, the Great lakes and the Central Africa Region - (kavruch)
Political instability in Nigeria, the Great lakes region and the Central Africa RegionThursday March 20, 2014,7:00pm - 9:00pmConference Room 5183US
Dissertation Defense - Clement Aapengnuo: Power And Social Identity – The Crisis Of Legitimacy Of Traditional Rule In Northern Ghana, And Ethnic Conflicts - (caapengn)
Dissertation Defense: Power And Social Identity – The Crisis Of Legitimacy Of Traditional Rule In Northern Ghana, And Ethnic
Informal Conversation with Johan Galtung - (rrubenst)
Informal Conversation with Johan GaltungSponsored by the Working Group on Systemic Violence with Richard RubensteinMonday, November 25th4:30pm-6:
Johan Galtung: Brown Bag Discussion - (dianeperlman)
Please join S-CAR in welcoming Johan Galtung for a Brown Bag DiscussionMonday, November 25th12:00pm-2:00pmMetropolitan Building 5183Light Lunch
Dissertation Defense: Shiva Hari Dahal - Statebuilding And Peacebuilding In Nepal, 1990-2012: Anatomy of a Democratic Transition? - (sdahal)
Dissertation Defense: Shiva Hari DahalStatebuilding And Peacebuilding In Nepal, 1990-2012: Anatomy of a Democratic Transition?Friday, November 222:
Dissertation Defense - Zaher Ahamed: The spirit and insights of the axial flowerings: A paradigm for conflict resolution? - (zahamed)
Dissertation Defense:The spirit and insights of the axial flowerings: A paradigm for conflict resolution? Monday, November 18, 201310:30am-12:
Kenya Post Westgate: Rebuilding Community & Building Peace Panel Discussion - (deliatam)
Kenya Post Westgate: Rebuilding Community & Building Peace Panel DiscussionWednesday, October 16, 201312:00pm-2:00pmMetropolitan Building
Book Launch: Kevin Avruch, Chris Mitchell, Solon Simmons, Alicia Pfund, Landon Hancock - (kavruch)
Please join S-CAR for an evening to recognize Kevin Avruch, Solon Simmons, Alicia Pfund, Christopher Mitchell and Landon Hancock for their recent
Brown Bag: Maya Kahanoff - Reconciliation in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Prospects and Challenges - (kavruch)
Please join S-CAR in welcoming Maya Kahanoff (Ph.D) for a Brown Bag discussion on 'Reconciliation in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Prospects and
National Action to Realize the Dream 2013: 50th Anniversary March on Washington - (jmack)
The speakers at the March who are affiliated with S-CAR are:Ángel Cabrera, President of George Mason UniversityMichael Shank, PhD Alumnus, S-CAR;
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Terra Tolley - Shifting Sands: The Transformation of Bedouin Culture through Education in a Contested Land - (ttolley)
Designing and supporting education systems in post-conflict areas are predominant methods of international development and sustainable conflict