Systematic Approaches to Conflict Mapping
Ph.D, Communication, 1988, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
M.Ed., Counseling, 1980, University of Puget Sound
Ph.D., Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
October 5, 2012 10:00AM through 3:00PM
Conflict-affected societies are complex adaptive environments that often present peacebuilders and policy makers with difficult or "wicked problems." One movement in the field is to take more holistic or integrated approaches to working with societal conflict.
Systems mapping of conflicts is one tool that is being used to enable peacebuilders to grapple effectively with the complexity these environments present. Dr. Robert Ricigliano will introduce participants to the technique of systems mapping of conflicts as a tool for assessment and planning for peacebuilding operations.
-Refreshments will be provided.
- The Doris Getsug Research Roundtables - A Narrative Approach to Belonging in Gentrifying Neighborhoods - (Jessica Smith)
- The Doris Getsug Research Roundtables - Functional and Post-Structural Approaches to the Disability Narrative - (Jessica Smith)
- The Doris Getsug Research Roundtables - Uncovering Narrative Strategies for the Use of Military Force in U.S. National Security - (Jessica Smith)