The Doris Getsug Research Roundtables - A Narrative Approach to Belonging in Gentrifying Neighborhoods

Event and Presentation
Jessica Smith
Jessica Smith
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Sara Cobb
The Doris Getsug Research Roundtables - A Narrative Approach to Belonging in Gentrifying Neighborhoods
Event Date:

April 20, 2017 2:30PM through 4:00PM

Event Location: Metropolitan Building 5145
Past Event
Event Type: Event

The Center for Narrative & Conflict Resolution


The Doris Getsug Research Roundtables

Thursday, April 20, 2017
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Metropolitan Building 5145
Arlington Campus

“A Narrative Approach to Belonging in Gentrifying Neighborhoods”

Presented by Robert Vaughan, Sarah Stasny, Anna Laura Grant & Gabriel Herrera

Gentrification is a persistent source of community conflict. As cities change and grow, there is often a need for new businesses and housing to attract and hold prospective new residents. This frequently creates conflict between the existing residents and the property developers, new residents, and new businesses. This project utilizes narrative analysis to seek greater understanding of what it means to “belong” in the Washington D.C. neighborhoods of Petworth and Columbia Heights, in the hope of identifying opportunities for existing residents to make themselves heard, for property developers to create spaces which preserve the integrity and character of the existing neighborhood, and for new residents to find ways to connect with and participate in the shared history of the community they have recently joined.

For more information, please email Jessica Smith at [email protected]

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