The Fierce Urgency of Now

Event and Presentation
Dennis Sandole
Dennis Sandole
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The Fierce Urgency of Now
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Event Date:

September 19, 2008

Past Event
Event Type: Presentation

Dealing with the 'Frozen Conflicts' in the South Caucasus in the Wake of the Recent Events in Georgia. at the Caucasus Institute.

The Caucasus Institute and Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy in Armenia organized a roundtable discussion "The 'Fierce Urgency of Now': Dealing with the 'Frozen Conflicts' in the South Caucasus in the Wake of the Recent Events in Georgia”. The discussion was focused on military and political developments in the South Caucasus and the way they impact regional security in the light of recent events around South Ossetia and Abkhazia and the armed hostilities between Russia and Georgia.

The roundtable started with a presentation by Mr. Dennis Sandole, policy analyst from the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University. The presentation was followed by a discussion.

The round table was part of a series of expert seminars and public debates organized by the CI in the framework of a project supported by the South Caucasus Bureau of the Heinrich Boll Foundation and aimed at focusing the public discourse in Armenia at crucial issues of regional development.

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