Book Launch: Alicia Pfund and Christopher Mitchell
Ph.D, 1966-71, University College, London
B.Sc(Econ), International Relations, 1963-66, University College, London
MS Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
M.S., Conflict Analysis and Resolution 2011, George Mason University
B.S., Political Science, University of Montana
January 28, 2015 6:00pm through 8:00pm
Joint Book Launch with Christopher Mitchell and Alicia Pfund
Please join S-CAR for a joint book launch to recognize two new publications: Alicia Pfund's book Experiencias Latinoamericanas en el Abordaje de Conflictos; and the second by Christopher Mitchell, The Nature of Intractable Conflict: Resolution in the Twenty-First Century
Wednesday, January 28th
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Metropolitan Building 5183
3434 N. Washington Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22201
Questions about parking? click here
The Nature of Intractable Conflict introduces the latest ideas that seek to explain the basis of deep-rooted and violent conflict among human groups, communities and nations. It analyses a range of methods by which people have sought to mitigate, contain or resolve destructive processes, for example through customs, courts, humanitarian interventions, peacekeeping and peace-building.
In May 2014 CPP published the book “Experiencias Latinoamericanas en el Abordaje de Conflictos”. The book was edited by Alicia Pfund and contains 14 chapters written by Latin American conflict resolvers, participants of the Summer courses during past years. The book is in Spanish, available online here
It was published jointly by George Mason University and University for Peace.The book was first launched in San Isidro, Buenos Aires, in October 7th, under the auspices of the organization Umbrales, and will be launched at S-CAR on January 28th, 2015.
For questions about the event, please contact Laura Villanueva ([email protected]), or Cassie Ammen ([email protected])
- Reflective Practice Seminar - Structural Analysis of Inter-religious Conflict: Lessons from Myanmar’s Buddhist-Muslim Relations - (Tatsushi Arai)
- Action Research in Conflict-Affected Societies: Conversation about the Intersections of Field Research and Applied Practice - (Tatsushi Arai)