The Biological Basis of Needs in World Society: The Ultimate Micro Macro Nexus

Book Chapter
Dennis Sandole
Dennis Sandole
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The Biological Basis of Needs in World Society: The Ultimate Micro Macro Nexus
Published Date: September 28, 1993
Language: English
ISBN: 9780333521489

Conflict: Human Needs Theory is a significant contribution to the emerging study of basic human needs. John Burton edited this collection of essays by distinguished scholars representing a range of disciplines from sociology and political science to psychology, philosophy, anthropology and biology. Conflict: Human Needs Theory makes a case for the idea that deep-rooted social conflict springs from unsatisfied basic needs, and that the task of conflict resolution is to develop new methods of understanding and satisfying them. This is a book of practical philosophy that should generate widespread discussion among all those interested in understanding conflict.

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