Master's International Program with the Peace Corps
The Master's Internation Program will end with the
Fall 2016 Cohort
Master's International (MI)
The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (S-CAR) participates actively in the Master's International (MI) Program with the Peace Corps.
Master's International, a joint program with the Peace Corps and George Mason University, enables participants to prepare for Peace Corps Volunteer service while earning their Master's in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Participants apply separately to the Peace Corps and George Mason University to be accepted into the program. The M.S. in Conflict Analysis is comprised of a total of 41 credit hours including: 15 credits of core courses, 20 credits of elective courses, and six integrative credits, which will be fulfilled through Peace Corps service. Each student will develop a Plan of Study and discuss course options each semester with his/her advisor, updating the plan as deemed appropriate.
Students will complete 35 hours of coursework on campus; this can be completed in a year (including summer term) prior to Peace Corps service and one semester following Peace Corps services. At least 6 credits will be earned during Peace Corps service, with reports submitted from the field. Students will return to campus to complete their capstone course as well as a final elective or independent study. George Mason University has a policy for adapting the needs of students who are unable to complete their Peace Corps service.
For additional information about the Master's International program, please explore the links on the right-hand side of the page.
What is the MI program?
The Master's International program is a cooperative effort between the Peace Corps and George Mason University. The program would entail taking a year of coursework (including a summer term) in the Master of Science in Conflict Analysis and Resolution program at S-CAR, serving for 27 months overseas within the Peace Corps and then returning to S-CAR to take a final 6 credits of coursework.
How does the MI program fit into my master’s degree?
The 27 months of Peace Corps service will be considered an “internship.” At the completion of the 27 months of Peace Corps service, the student will be awarded 6 credits of internship. An internship (CONF 694) is one of the integration options (a degree requirement) within the MS curriculum at S-CAR. Those in the MI program will receive tuition support for the 6 credits of internship earned during their Peace Corps service.
How does this work?
You would first apply to the MS program at S-CAR and be accepted. After being accepted to GMU/S-CAR, you would then apply directly to the Peace Corps. You will be required to complete 29 credits of coursework prior to your Peace Corps Service.
What are the benefits of the MI program?
The obvious benefit is that you will be making an extraordinary contribution by teaching skills to people in a developing community. But, while you will undoubtedly have an impact on others during your service as a volunteer, your host community will probably have an even greater impact on you.
In addition, the tuition for the 6 credits of internship during your Peace Corps service will be waived.
Students who choose to incorporate Peace Corps service into their master's degree program will be eligible to receive special hiring consideration for federal government positions up to one year after they return from Peace Corps service. This special hiring consideration, known as non-competitive eligibility, combined with a George Mason graduate degree, enhances students' career potential.
Learn more about the MI program