Working Group - Internal Displacement (WG-ID)

Working Group - Internal Displacement (WG-ID)

Name: Working Group - Internal Displacement (WG-ID)

Description: Given that an understanding of the IDPs remains much less understood than that of other displaced populations, WG-ID aims to achieve the following tri-fold vision: 

 i) enhance awareness, among the scholarly community, of the crisis of internal displacement;

ii) serve as a platform to brainstorm on aspects of policymaking; and

iii) bring innovative and sustainable solutions to addressing as well as the handling of this multi-faceted phenomenon, in the framework of conflict resolution and analysis.

Announcement:  Join WG-ID, for an opportunity to learn about the phenomenon of internal displacement.  Learn of the challenges of investigating such communities, meet with scholars and practitioners from around the DC area.  Brainstorm on aspects of policymaking needed to address this crisis in the framework of S-CAR practices.

Regular events featuring discussions, presentations and guest lectures will be announced as they materialize.


Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kevin Avruch, Henry Hart Rice Professor of Conflict Resolution and Professor of Anthropology

Founder: Dr. Sudha Rajput, Adjunct Faculty, School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution

Members:  Sudha Rajput, Ernest Ogbozor, PhD Student and GRA, School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution

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