Events by these Researchers
Counterinsurgency and Culture: The US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan - (tflores2)
Wednesday, February 27th, 12:00 PM - 1:30PM, Truland 555"Counterinsurgency and Culture: US Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan" Dr. Rochelle
S-CAR Monthy Happy Hour - (bhussen)
Join S-CAR students/alumni/faculty/staff, connect with friends--old and new for our monthly happy hour! This month it will not be on the first
Crafting Against Patriarchy - (srosejen)
Join Unrest Magazine for an evening of Crafting Against Patriarchy, discussion and craft session. Bring your own craft and/or supplies to share. We
First Student Association of the New Semester - (srosejen)
First Student Association of the New Semester. All are invited to attend. This will be a short meeting to check in, set meeting dates fro the rest
Dissertation Proposal Defense: Dialectics of State-building and Peace-building: A Dilemma or Destiny? - (dsandole)
You're invited to join PhD Candidate Shiva Hari Dahal as he defends his dissertation proposal on January 15th 2013 in Truland Building Room 700A.
S-CAR Monthly Happy Hour - (bhussen)
Join S-CAR students/alumni/faculty/staff, connect with friends--old and new for our monthly happy hour! (First Wednesday of every month) We will meet
Dissertation Defense: Displacement of the Kashmiri Pandits: Dynamics of Policies and Perspectives of Policymakers. - (srajput2)
The magnitude of the social phenomenon of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) is a daunting humanitarian challenge with twenty-five million
S-CAR Monthly Happy Hour - (bhussen)
Join S-CAR students/alumni/faculty/staff, connect with friends--old and new for our monthly happy hour! (First Wednesday of every month) We will meet
24th Annual Lynch Lecture: Human Rights, Sovereign Rights, and the Potential of Conflict Resolution - (scheldel)
Lecture:Does Intervention in the name of Human Rights undermine Conflict Resolution? The recent cases of Libya and Syria have highlighted the
Student Association Meeting - (srosejen)
The Student Association at S-CAR welcomes you to our bi-montly meeting. Cookies provided!Wednesday, October 17th, 7:30PMâ¨Truland Building, John
S-CAR Monthly Happy Hour - (kdegraft)
Join S-CAR students/alumni/faculty/staff, connect with friends--old and new for our monthly happy hour! (First Wednesday of every month) We will meet
A day with the Arlington Campus liaison librarian and the Student Association - (kdegraft)
The John Burton library is hosting the Arlington Liaison librarian, Mary Oberlies, and representatives from the Student Association on Thursday
Student Association Meeting - (srosejen)
The Student Association at S-CAR welcomes you to our first meeting of the Fall Semester First Meeting 7:30PMThursday: September 6th
S-CAR Monthly Happy Hour - (Catherine Ammen)
Join S-CAR students/alumni/faculty/staff, connect with friends--old and new for our monthly happy hour! (First Wednesday of every month) We will meet
S-CAR Monthly Happy Hour - (Catherine Ammen)
Join S-CAR students/alumni/faculty/staff, connect with friends--old and new for our monthly happy hour! (First Wednesday of every month) We will meet
S-CAR Monthly Happy Hour - (Catherine Ammen)
Join S-CAR students/alumni/faculty/staff, connect with friends--old and new for our monthly happy hour! We will meet at Burapa at 5:30pm. Close to
Student Association meeting - (srosejen)
The Student Association will hold its monthly summer meeting. All welcome to attend, snacks providedRoom 555 in the Truland BuildingJune 14th 5:00PM
Dissertation Defense, Maneshka Eliatamby - When the Tiger was a Woman - (deliatam)
When the Tiger was a Woman: Unraveling the Myth and Comprehending the Complexities of the Female Combatant in the Liberation Tigers of Tamil
Dissertation Defense -- Afghanistan: Between State-building and the Global War on Terrorism (2001-2006) - (nnojumi)
This research examines the differences between the perceptions of the U.S.-led international intervention actors and the Afghan population,
Global Problematique Symposium - (dsandole)
Come join the Global Problematique Working Group for an opportunity to meet, listen, network, and discuss with some of the DC areas brightest