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Proposal Defense: Homegrown Marginalization: When Policy Narratives and Everyday Experiences Collide -- Marci Moberg
Event and Presentation
Proposal Defense: Homegrown Marginalization: When Policy Narratives and Everyday Experiences Collide -- Marci Moberg
Event Date:
November 21, 2011 9:00AM through 10:30AM
Event Location: Arlington Truland Building, Room 555
Topics of Interest:
Race & Racism, Dissertation Defense, PhD Program, Narrative, Conflict Resolution, North America, International Relations, Narrative, Terrorism
Event Type: Event
Homegrown Marginalization: When Policy Narratives and Everyday Experiences Collide
As the number of Americans convicted of terrorism charges grows, so has an increasing interest in understanding homegrown terrorism and most recently... prevention of radicalization. The shift towards prevention has resulted in activities that target entire Muslim communities and risk further marginalizing them. This research will seek to explore the relationship between key United States Government policy narratives on homegrown radicalization and the everyday lives of Muslims living in America that have been forced to engage these narratives.
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Arlington Truland Building, Room 555