Croft Institute Visiting Speaker

Event and Presentation
Andrea Bartoli
Croft Institute Visiting Speaker
Online Link:
Event Date:

October 19, 2009

Past Event
Event Type: Presentation

Peacemakers: How to End an African Civil War without Firing a Gun

Professor Andrea Bartoli will speak about international conflict resolution in light of the experience of an international NGO, the Community of Sant'Egidio, in combining direct service to the disadvantaged in rich and poor countries alike with high-level conflict resolution, especially the successful mediation in 1992 of the ten-year old civil war in Mozambique.

Dr. Bartoli is director of the Institute of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University, where he has worked since 2007. An expert on peacemaking and genocide prevention, he is also the Founding Director of Columbia University's Center for International Conflict Resolution (CICR).

His academic experience is informed by his ongoing work with the Community of Sant'Egidio, an international non-governmental organization involved in a large number of humanitarian activities, including conflict resolution and interreligious dialogue. Dr. Bartoli was personally involved in Sant'Egidio's successful mediation of the Mozambican civil war, which concluded with the General Peace Agreement signed in Rome in 1992.

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