Political Shiism in the Arab World: Rituals, Ideologies, and Politics

Doctoral Dissertation
Jana El Horr
Solon Simmons
Committee Chair
Terrence Lyons
Committee Member
Jack A. Goldstone
Committee Member
Political Shiism in the Arab World: Rituals, Ideologies, and Politics
Publication Date:November 05, 2012
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Researchers and experts on Arab politics have often debated the role of political Shiism as a source of regional instability and conflict following the 2003 U.S-Iraq war. Some argue that the expansion of political Shiism in the Arab world is a quest for political leadership resulting from a long-standing conflict with Sunnis, coupled with centuries of Shiite political and economic marginalization. Other argue that political Shiism holds revolutionary elements that can be re-interpreted to fit any political context that Shiites perceive as threatening. This view perceives that Shiite religious elements can be made to fit the current needs of various political contexts and are the main drivers of political mobilization and ultimately conflict. Both these views offer a narrow and restricted description of political Shiism; hence, the literature on political Shiism lacks a systematic understanding of the phenomenon. To address this gap, the research asks the following questions: (1) What is political Shiism? Is it monolithic? What are its forms? And who are its ideologues?; and (2) How do Arab Shiites leaders mobilize their followers?

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