Understanding Religious Identity and the Causes of Religious Violence

S-CAR Journal Article
Saira Yamin
Saira Yamin
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Understanding Religious Identity and the Causes of Religious Violence
Authors: Saira Yamin
Published Date: April 01, 2008
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Pages: 1- 21

The paper examines various scholarly works that explore the causes of religious violence. It addresses questions such as: what elements of religion contribute to violence and protracted conflict; how does religious identity motivate groups engaged in aggressive behavior; other than threat to and preservation of religious identity, what might be significant underlying causes of the conflict; and, what parallels could be drawn with ethnic conflict in the construction of religious identity and group organization? In conclusion, the paper proposes an analytical framework for designing an intervention in religious conflicts.

Full Article Text is provided courtesy of WISCOMP.

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