
Topic Introduction

Advocacy is the pursuit of influencing outcomes — including public-policy and resource allocation decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions — that directly affect people’s current lives. (Cohen, 2001)

Therefore, advocacy can be seen as a deliberate process of speaking out on issues of concern in order to exert some influence on behalf of ideas or persons. Based on this definition, Cohen (2001) states that “ideologues of all persuasions advocate” to bring a change in people’s lives. However, advocacy has many interpretations depending on the issue at stake, which can be different from this initial value-neutral definition.

Published Date: October 01, 2003
Type: Book
Abstract:Making Choices Together: The Power of Public Deliberation
Type: Practice
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Author: Michael Shank
Published Date: January 09, 2008
Type: Media
Abstract:Michael Shank, a conflict analyst at George Mason University's Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, analyzes the Middle East peace process, the role of the United States as facilitator of...
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