The "Law of Alternatives": In Search for Identity in Dispute Resolution

Event and Presentation
Sara Cobb
Sydney Capito
Sydney Capito
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The "Law of Alternatives": In Search for Identity in Dispute Resolution
Event Date:

October 2, 2012 5:00PM through 7:00PM

Event Location: Arlington Campus, Truland Building Room 555
Past Event
Event Type: Event

Please join the Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution for a Lecture by Michal Alberstein on The Law of Alternatives.

What are the unique principles which define the language of conflict resolution? What is “the law” of movements that developed as alternatives to the traditional court system, including ADR, Restorative Justice and Therapeutic Jurisprudence? Do principles which underlie alternatives to mainstream legal mechanisms apply to other conflict resolution approaches operating today? What makes these movements and approaches interesting in terms of political theory and jurisprudential thinking?

Michal Alberstein, the head of the conflict management and negotiation program at Bar Ilan University Israel, and a lawyer by education, asks these questions while offering a map of alternative principles, extracting the main points from a variety of alternative dispute resolution practices and applying them across the borders of dispute resolution.
Regarding a picture, what do you think about the one i attach here? it appears on the cover of my Hebrew book and is one of a collection of sculptures of dispute resolution and legal decisions made by innoites aboriginals in Canada and collected by a judge who decided some of the cases.

-Refreshments will be provided

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