Dialogue and Difference: Palestinian Statehood Strategies
Ph.D., Conflict Analysis and Resolution 2007, George Mason University
M.S., Conflict Analysis and Resolution 2002, George Mason University
October 20, 2011 07:00PM through 09:00PM
Join S-CAR and a panel of speakers to discuss various issues impacting Palestinian Statehood including questions related to the UN, the process, as well as Palestinian legitimacy. This dialogue does not hope to achieve consensus but assist participants in gaining a more diverse understanding of the different sorts of issues that have arisen with the potential achievement of Palestinian statehood, as well as asking difficult questions, and building critical thinking and listening skills.
Noura Erakat is a Palestinian human rights attorney and activist. She is currently an adjunct professor of international human rights law in the Middle East at Georgetown University and the Legal Advocacy Coordinator for the Badil Center for Palestinian Refugee and Residency Rights.
Andrea Barron is a history professor at George Mason University, currently teaching a course on the modern Middle East.
Questions? Contact Patricia Maulden at [email protected]
Refreshments will be provided
Co-Sponsored by the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution,
the Dialogue & Difference Project, and Honors College
- Dialogue and Difference Series- Exploring Difference, Inclusion, & Justice- Justice - (Patricia Maulden)
- Dialogue and Difference Series- Exploring Difference, Inclusion, & Justice- Inclusion - (Patricia Maulden)