“Operationalizing Bottom-up Indicators:” A Working Group Session

Event and Presentation
Pamina Firchow
“Operationalizing Bottom-up Indicators:” A Working Group Session
Event Date:

May 27, 2016 10:00AM through 12:00PM

Topics of Interest: Conflict Resolution, PeaceBuilding
Past Event
Event Type: Event

The meeting will present one such initiative, the Everyday Peace Indicators (EPI), which aims to investigate alternative, bottom-up indicators of peace and has been piloted since 2013 in sub-Saharan Africa and, more recently, in Latin America. Taking its cue from studies in sustainable development, the project asks community members to identify their own measures of peace. It is based on the premise that local communities are best placed to identify changes in their own circumstances, rather than relying on external ‘experts’ to identify indicators for them. 

This working group session will bring together those interested in inclusion and participation inmonitoring and evaluation to continue to think about the challenges involved in integrating bottom-up indicators and other forms of inclusion and participation into project design and evaluation. The full agenda can be found below.


10am-10:45am Everyday Peace Indicators Briefing

  • Pamina Firchow, George Mason University & United States Institute of Peace
  • Roger Mac Ginty, University of Manchester

10:50-11:30am Small Group Discussion

  • What are the main challenges to participation and inclusion in monitoring and evaluation? Are there specific challenges to peacebuilding?
  • Top down and bottom up data - but where is the missing middle?
  • Could bottom-up indicators such as EPI be integrated into existing programming easily or would programs need to be adjusted significantly to use them? What kinds of adjustments would be required?

11:40am-12pm Debrief and Closing 

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