Search for Common Ground Regional Director Quentin Kanyatsi Meets with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

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Quentin Kanyatsi
Quentin Kanyatsi
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Search for Common Ground Regional Director Quentin Kanyatsi Meets with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Written: About S-CAR
Author: Staff Writer
Published Date: April 30, 2012

After Cote d'Ivoire emerged from violence in 2011, we launched a series of activities to promote social cohesion and peaceful resolution of conflict.  With funding from the US Government, the World Bank and the European Union, we produce  radio programming that airs on 40 stations; we facilitate cooperation among political leaders; we train journalists; we sponsor community organizing; and we produce The Team TV series.  In February, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited our program.  "I am especially pleased you have engaged youth in the dialogue and reconciliation process," she wrote later to our Country Director, Quentin Kanyatsi.  "The work that you and your organization are doing in peacebuilding and reconciliation in Côte d'Ivoire is truly commendable."


Secretary Clinton shares a warm moment with our Quentin Kanyatsi (right).
Secretary Clinton shares a warm
moment with our Quentin Kanyatsi (right).


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