America is Paralyzed in Iraq

Newspaper Article
Dennis Sandole
Dennis Sandole
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America is Paralyzed in Iraq
Written: By S-CAR
Author: Dennis Sandole
Published Date: September 27, 2007

SIR – You made a very convincing case that the situation in Iraq will deteriorate even further if America withdraws. But in effect, America is locked into a classic double-bind: damned if it does and damned if it does not remain there. America is paralysed, a fact which Americans should take into account when they hear some of their leaders gleefully state that there has not been another attack since September 11th. Indeed, why should there be? The spectre of global terrorism has tied America up in knots in Iraq, rendering us totally unable to deal with any issue (eg, immigration) other than through some highly expensive, albeit cosmetic, gesture to protecting the homeland. Americans and Iraqis continue to die and our overall security situation continues to decline. We have become our own worst enemy.

Dennis Sandole
Professor of conflict resolution
George Mason University
Arlington, Virginia

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