The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
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Topic of interest Journal Articles
Memories and Narratives of the 1999 NATO Bombing in Serbia
Emotions and Discrimination in Caste Conflicts
Hutus Aiding Tutsis During the Rwandan Genocide: Motives, Meanings and Morals
Interrupting Generational Cycles of Violence Through Historical Memory
Teaching about Global Complexity: Experiential Conflict Resolution Pedagogy in Higher Education Classrooms
The role of conflict resolution graduate education in training the next generation of practitioners and scholars.
China, Japan, and the East China Sea Territorial Dispute: A Systems Approach to Conflict Transformation
Reproduction of Conflict in History Teaching in Ukraine: A Social Identity Theory Analysis
Revising the Battle of the Narrative
Pakistan: National Security Dilemmas and Transition to Democracy
Peacebuilding in Fragile African States: The Case for Private Sector Involvement
The Counterproductive "Sea of Sameness" in PME
Restorative Justice as Reflective Practice and Applied Pedagogy on College Campuses
Cross-Regional Comparisons: The Arab Uprisings as Political Transitions and Social Movements
Reasons for Hope in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Civilian Protection in Mexico & Guatemala: Humanitarian Engagement with Druglords & Gangs
Shaping unpredictable past: National identity and history education in Ukraine
Integrating Principles and Practices of Customary Law, Conflict Transformation and Restorative Justice in Somaliland
Turkish community mediation
Beyond Drug Wars: Transforming Factional Conflict in Mexico
Mainstreaming Peace and Conflict Studies: Designing introductory courses to fit libereal arts education requirements
The Pathway Between Conflict And Reconciliation: Coexistence As An Evolutionary Process
Book Review: An Asian Perspective on Mediation
Striking Civilian Targets During the Lebanon War—A Social Psychological Analysis of Israeli Decision Makers
Escalation and De-escalation in Asymmetric Conflict
What Is Training All About?
The Impact of Political Alliances on Voter Prejudice in Post Conflict Countries
National Humiliation, History Education, and the Politics of Historical Memory
History Education and Social Identity
Writing Ethnography after Tragedy: Toward Therapeutic Transformations. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 30.1, 2007.
“Professors Are More Religious Than Some Might Assume, Survey Finds”
Toward an Expanded "Canon" of Negotiation Theory: Identity, Ideological, and Values- Based Conflict and the Need for a New Heuristic
Teaching peace: a dialogue on the Montessori method
Ethical Theory as Social Practice
Transnational Human Rights and Local Activism: Mapping the Middle
Introduction to "Anthropology and Human Rights in a New Key"
Coordination in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: Perspectives from Scholars and Practitioners Involved with the AFP
How Creating "Communities of Learning" and "Common Cultures" Fosters Collaboration
Culture, Apology, and International Negotiation: The Case of the Sino-U.S. "Spy Plane" Crisis
Theories of Change
e-Mediation: Evaluating the Impact of an Electronic Mediator on Negotiating Behavior
Context and Pretext in Conflict Resulation
The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Challenges for American Third Party Intervenors
Revisiting a Global Shift From Ethnic Warfare to the Politics of Accommodation
The Power of Participation: Language and Gender in Tanzanian Law Reform Campaigns
The Epistemology of a Spectrometer
Have Gavel, Will Travel: Dispute Resolution's Innocents Abroad
Principles of Islamic Interpersonal Conflict Intervention
Gestures of Conciliation: Factors Contributing to Successful Olive Branches
Reconnecting Systems Maintenance with Social Justice: A Critical Role for Conflict Resolution
Extending Popper's Epistemology to the Lab
The Crisis of Minorities in Ethnic States: The Case of Palestinian Citizens in Israel
Naming Resistance: Ethnographers, Dissidents, and States
Developing Conflct Resolution in Transcaucasia: A university-based approach
The Lessons of Somalia for Eastern Zaire
The Domestication of Violence in Mediation
The Development of Pedagogy and Practicum
The Effects of Resource Shortage on De-Escalation in a Simulated Price War
"Building Consensus For Racial Harmony in American Cities: A Case Model Approach"
Book Reviews--The United States and Ethiopia: Military Assistance and the Quest for Security, 1953-1993 by Baffour Agyeman-Duah
Perception of Power, Threat, and Conflict Intensity in Asymmetric Intergroup Conflict: Arab and Jewish Citizens of Israel
The Blue Helmets: A Review of United Nations Peace-Keeping
"Theories of Responsibility": The Social Construction of Intentions in Mediation.
Interpreting Media Representations of " A Night of Madness"
Next Steps in Somalia
Making Culture, and Its Costs -- Nationalist Ideologies and the Production of National Cultures / Minorities in the Middle: A Cross-Cultural Analysis
Disputant and Mediator Behaviors Affecting Short-Term Success in Mediation
Comparison of the american mediation process with A Korean-American harmony restoration process
Negotiation and Mediation
Practice and Paradox: Deconstructing Neutrality in Mediation
Ending Conflicts and Wars: Judgement, Rationality and Entrapment
Courts, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Conflict Resolution
Solutions Not Winners
Third-Party Intervention: A Field Experiment Comparing Three Different Models
Conflict Management: A New Venture into Professionalization
On the "Traditionalization" of Social Identity: American Immigrants to Israel
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MS/MSW Dual Degree
Research & Practice
Center for Peacemaking Practice
Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict
Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
Indonesia - U.S. Youth Leadership Program
Dialogue and Difference
Insight Conflict Resolution Program
Parents of the Field Project
Program on History, Memory, and Conflict
Project on Contentious Politics
Sudan Task Group
Undergraduate Experiential Learning Project
Zones of Peace Survey
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