The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
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Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
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Topic of interest Book Chapters
Ministry, Mayhem, and Magic: Called to Conflict Resolution and Conciliation
Culture, Religion, and Politics in International Mediation
The “Dialectic of Enlightenment” and the New Arab Awakening
Reclaiming Women’s Agency in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies: Women’s Use of Political Space in Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe
Overview and Introduction
Paved With Good Intentions: The Need for Conceptualising Gender as a Social Structure in Policy Construction
Egyptian Women as Catalysts of Change in the Arab Spring
Add Women and Stir: Implications of Gender Quotas
The Impact of Women’s Political Participation in Rwanda
Women’s Lives After Warfare: Disarmament, Demobilisation, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of female Combatants in Nepal and Sri Lanka
Engendering Justice: Dismantling Essentialisms of Gender and Sexual Violence in Yogyakarta
Establishing Rape as a Crime against Humanity: Innovations and Reactions from African Nations
The Rocky Road from Normalization to Reconciliation: China-Japan Relations on the 70th Anniversary of the End of World War II
Meeting Reconciliation Challenges in China-Japan-Korea Relations: Japanese Policy Options and Civil Society Initiatives
Brown Ballots in the Buckeye State
The Daioyu/Senkaku Dispute as an Identity-Based Conflict: Toward Sino-Japan Reconciliation
The South African Peace Process: An Urgency Theory Analysis
Rebuilding the Gulf: United States
Engendering Recovery: Rwanda
Victims of Rape and Gendercide: All Wars
Challenging Warfare: Sri Lanka
Searching for Emancipation: Eritrea, Nepal and Sri Lanka
Overview and Introduction
Fighting Young: Liberia and Sierra Leone
The Discreet Appeal of Authoritarianism: Political Bargains and Stability of Liberal Authoritarian Regimes in the Middle East
What Travels: Teaching Gender in Cross-Cultural Negotiation Classrooms
People to People Democracy
US Foreign Policy in the Post-Bush Era: Implications for Europe and the OSCE
State Intervention in Islamic Family Law in Kenya and Tanzania: Applications of the Gender Concept
Disaggregating the Causal Factors Unique to Child Soldiering
Women in Black: Israel/Palestine
Diasporas and Politics
Lessons of Peacebuilding for the Balkans and Beyond: Toward Culture of Dialogue, Reconciliation and Transformation
Union Struggles in Cairo After Ten Years of Economic Liberalization
A Politics of Silences: Violence, Memory and Treacherous Speech in Post-1965 Bali
Confronting the Desire to Arm: Josei Toda’s Declaration for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons
The Politics of Cultural and Ethnic Pluralism
Untying the Gordian Knot in the Balkans: Realpolitik, ‘Business as Usual’ or Thinking ‘Outside the Box’ on Dialogue, Reconciliation and Integration into ...
Post-Cold War Conflict in West Africa: A Subordinate State System in Collapse?
Post-traumatic politics: violence, memory and biomedical discourses of suffering in Indonesia
Gender and Violence: Redefining the Moral Ground
Gender perspective as a method to advance university education system
Negotiation Processes and Post-Settlement Relations: Comparing Nagorno-Karabakh with Mozambique
Building Peace in Post-NATO Bosnia: A Recommended Action Plan
Multifaceted Programming: Influencing Policies in Burundi
Conflict in Africa
Combating Crime in Southeastern Europe: An Integrated, Coordinated, Multi-Level Approach
Transforming the Institutions of War: Postconflict Elections and the Reconstruction of Failed States
Parameters of Military Intervention and Peacekeeping Operations in the Middle East Conflicts
The Role of Postsettlement Elections
The Balkans Stability Pact as a Regional Conflict Management and Prevention 'Space': An Evaluation
Gendering Conflict and Peace in Israel/Palestine and the North of Ireland
Rethinking Women's Struggles in Israel-Palestine and in the North of Ireland
Feminist Participatory Research on Legal Consciousness
Elections to End Conflict: War Termination, Democratization, and International Policy
U.S. Diplomatic Strategies to Resolve Conflicts in Africa
Refugee Return in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Coexistence before Reconciliation
African Foreign Policy Making at the Millennium
Foreign Policy Making in Africa: An Introduction
Media in the New South Africa
Spectacular sexuality: nationalism, development and the politics of family planning in Indonesia
Promoting Responsible Sovereignty in Africa
Can Neighbors Help? An Evaluation of Regional Actors
Peace and Elections in Liberia
Motherhood and the Politics of Women's Resistance: The Case of Israeli Women Organizing for Peace
Homefront as Battlefield: Gender, Military Occupation and Violence Against Women
Gender Issues in Democracy: Rethinking Middle East Peace and Security from a Feminist Perspective
Feminist Reflections on the Interplay of Racism and Sexism in Israel
Keeping Africa Off the Agenda
Ethnic Conflict Resolution in the New Europe: A Case for An Integrated Systems Approach
The Horn of Africa Regional Politics: A Hobbesian World
Internal Vulnerability and Interstate Conflict: Ethiopia’s Regional Foreign Policy
The Ethics of Intervention in Community Disputes
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Graduate Certificate Programs
Field Experience Courses
Dual Master's Degree with the University of Malta
MS/MSW Dual Degree
Research & Practice
Center for Peacemaking Practice
Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict
Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
Indonesia - U.S. Youth Leadership Program
Dialogue and Difference
Insight Conflict Resolution Program
Parents of the Field Project
Program on History, Memory, and Conflict
Project on Contentious Politics
Sudan Task Group
Undergraduate Experiential Learning Project
Zones of Peace Survey
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John Burton Library
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