The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
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Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict
Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
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Academic Publications - Dialogue
The Public Sector as Mediator: The Role of Public Institutions in Environmental Collaborations and Conflict Resolution
Healing the Heart of Conflict: Eight Crucial Steps to Making Peace with Yourself and with Others Revised and Updated
Essays on Mediation: Dealing with disputes in the 21st Century
Mediation: Elephant or Heffalump?
Violence, Religion, Peacemaking
Unfinished Revolutions: Yemen, Libya, and Tunisia after the Arab Spring
Turkey as a Mediator: Stories of Success and Failure
Violence Prevention Initiative (VPI) June-September 2015 Report, Burundi
Contested Memories and Reconciliation Challenges: Japan and the Asia-Pacific on the 70th Anniversary of the End of World War II
Searching for Better Agreements ... and Finding Them: Contributions of Dean G. Pruitt
Space, Place, & Symbol: Utilizing central places to understand intergroup conflict dynamics
Alternative calendars and memory work in Serbia: Anti-war activism after Milošević
Engaging Conflict History: Toward an Integrated Method of Conflict Resolution Dialogue and Capacity Building
The Contemporary Conflict Resolution Reader
Experiencias Latinoamericanas en el Abordaje de Conflictos
Integrating Traditional and Modern Conflict Resolution Experiences from selected cases in Eastern and the Horn of Africa
The global stage of interfaith relations: Religious leaders navigate new roles
Prospect theory and the framing of the Good Friday Agreement
Persistent Challenges to Long-Term Peace in Côte d’Ivoire
OSCE Yearbook 2009, Yearbook on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Conflict Management and Resolution: An Introduction
Supporting Bosnia and Herzegovina: The Challenge of Reaching Self-Sustainability in a Post-War Environment.
Persuading lions: Problems of transferring insights from track-two exercises undertaken in conditions of asymmetry
Putting Hate Speech in Context: Observations on Speech, Power, and Violence in Kenya
Cutting or Tightening the Gordian Knot? The Future of Kosovo and the Peace Process in the Western Balkans after the Decision on Independence.
Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution
Framing the Dialogue: Social Justice and Conflict Intervention
The Little Book of Dialogue for Difficult Subjects: A Practical Hands-On Guide
Unity in Diversity: Interfaith Dialogue in the Middle East
Interfaith Dialogue: A Guide for Muslims
Beyond Bullets and Bombs Grassroots Peacebuilding between Israelis and Palestinians
Religious Contribution to Dialogue and Nonviolence Actions in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Possibilities and Obstacles
International Peace Plans for the Balkans – A Success?
Complexity in World Politics: Concepts and Methods of a New Paradigm
Contemporary Islam: Dynamic, not Static
The Place of Language in the Northern Irish Conflict and Peace Process (1998-2002)
Engaging Law, Community, and Victims in Dialogue: From Conflict to Shared Understanding
e-Mediation: Evaluating the Impact of an Electronic Mediator on Negotiating Behavior
From Peace Making to Self Sustaining Peace -- International Presence in South East Europe
Social Conflict: Escalation, Stalemate, and Settlement
Crushing Crime in South East Europe: A Struggle of Domestic, Regional, and European Dimensions
Crushing Crime in South East Europe: A Struggle of Domestic, Regional, and European Dimensions
Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East
Gestures of Conciliation: Factors Contributing to Successful Olive Branches
Science, Reason, and Reality: Issues in the Philosophy of Science
Negotiating Intractable Conflict: The Common Ground Dialogue Process and Abortion
Asserting Male Authority, Recreating Female Experience: Gendered Discourse in Coastal Kenyan Muslim Courts
Double Bind: The Foundation of Communicational Approach to the Family
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Dual Master's Degree with the University of Malta
MS/MSW Dual Degree
Research & Practice
Center for Peacemaking Practice
Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict
Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
Indonesia - U.S. Youth Leadership Program
Dialogue and Difference
Insight Conflict Resolution Program
Parents of the Field Project
Program on History, Memory, and Conflict
Project on Contentious Politics
Sudan Task Group
Undergraduate Experiential Learning Project
Zones of Peace Survey
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